Mon 19 September 2022 - 12-1pm Innovations in Training: Responding to a Crisis in Virtual Reality Australia’s leading VR company will present on creating a VR experience to prepare students to apply first aid in disaster lensEducational Innovation lensFaculty event (Arts, Design & Architecture) chevron_right 28 October 2021 - 12 - 1pm Innovations in training using artificial intelligence and machine learning How are latest immersive technologies impacting a range of sectors? Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning get you ready for take-off or surgery? lensPublic event lensEducational Innovation lensFaculty event (Arts, Design & Architecture) chevron_right 1 December 2021 - 12 - 2pm Student Learning insights to inform and improve your practice Would you like to have useful, practical and valuable data about your students learning in a quick and easy manner? lensEducational Innovation lensInternal UNSW event chevron_right Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹‹ Page 1 Current page 2
Mon 19 September 2022 - 12-1pm Innovations in Training: Responding to a Crisis in Virtual Reality Australia’s leading VR company will present on creating a VR experience to prepare students to apply first aid in disaster lensEducational Innovation lensFaculty event (Arts, Design & Architecture) chevron_right
28 October 2021 - 12 - 1pm Innovations in training using artificial intelligence and machine learning How are latest immersive technologies impacting a range of sectors? Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning get you ready for take-off or surgery? lensPublic event lensEducational Innovation lensFaculty event (Arts, Design & Architecture) chevron_right
1 December 2021 - 12 - 2pm Student Learning insights to inform and improve your practice Would you like to have useful, practical and valuable data about your students learning in a quick and easy manner? lensEducational Innovation lensInternal UNSW event chevron_right