The Nexus Program

Revolutionising education

Welcome to the Nexus Program

A pioneering initiative transforming education at UNSW. Designed to provide a critical link between the University’s central divisions and the academic and professional staff who support teaching in the faculties and schools, Nexus is joining the dots to revolutionise the University’s approach to education.

Best thought of as UNSW’s nerve centre for educational excellence, Nexus connects and empowers our local, community-minded thought leaders in education – the Nexus Fellows and Nexus Education Developers – to drive and support changes in teaching and learning in a streamlined and agile manner. Embedded within each Faculty and school, these educational experts ensure that innovative practices meet specific local needs while maintaining a cohesive, university-wide approach.

How is the Nexus Program transforming education?

Hear from the Nexus Team!

Nexus team collaborating

In a world of rapid change, the Nexus Program is enabling the free flow of ideas and making the cross-pollination of practices the norm. From digital learning innovations to accessibility in education to advances in AI, the power of Nexus is that it fosters a collaborative educational environment, enhancing teaching practices and the student experience right across our diverse University community.

Nexus ambition: aims and objectives

From the Nexus Program Director, Associate Professor Anne Galea 

Associate Professor Anne Galea headshot

“The Nexus Program is a world-first initiative designed to enhance educational excellence and the student experience across UNSW. By forging strong linkages between schools, faculties and central divisions, and fostering a collaborative environment, Nexus is empowering our world-class educators to innovate and share the practices that work for them. Our goal is to seamlessly integrate cutting-edge technologies and teaching methods, ensuring our students receive the most engaging and effective education possible. Nexus is about driving continuous improvement and creating a vibrant, adaptable educational landscape that prepares students for the challenges of tomorrow." - Associate Professor Anne Galea, Director of the Nexus Program

Why Nexus was needed

The educational landscape is changing fast and shows no sign of slowing. With the rapid advancement of digital learning tools and technologies, there was a clear need for a structured program to help academics stay current and effectively integrate these tools into their teaching.

The pandemic and advances in technology have changed what students expect and want from university. The end game of the Nexus Program is to recognise, respond to and exceed these new expectations.

Nexus addresses the siloed nature of various faculties and schools, promoting a more collaborative and cohesive approach to education, which is essential for sharing best practices and implementing university-wide initiatives effectively​.

Recognising, connecting and empowering exceptional educators who drive innovation and excellence in teaching is crucial. The Nexus Program highlights 'our local hero educators', providing them with the support and platform needed to lead and inspire their colleagues​.

With a growing and diverse student population, there was a need for a program that could adapt teaching methods to meet varied learning needs and preferences, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility in education.

Meet the team

Get to know our team of over 70 Nexus Fellows, Education Developers and professional colleagues driving the Nexus Program. These passionate and dedicated professionals are committed to enhancing teaching and learning at UNSW.

Nexus news & events

Stay informed and inspired by exploring the latest news, blogs and events from our Nexus staff. Discover cutting-edge educational innovations, success stories of our Nexus Team, and insights into the future of learning at UNSW.

Nexus SharePoint

UNSW colleagues can find more information about the program, including current faculty and cross-faculty projects from Nexus on the internal SharePoint site. 

For any questions regarding the Nexus Program, please contact the Nexus team.