
Coming up

All upcoming events, listed chronologically

Registration forms and more information for the following events are hyperlinked below. Please keep checking this page for event and registration updates.
To view upcoming events happening in the Teaching Commons, click here.

Thu 27/31:30 - 2:30pmCreate an accessible reading list with our LibraryUNSW LibraryIn-person or online
Tue 1/42 - 3pm

SoTL series

Elevate your teaching: Getting started with SoTL

Dr Anna Rowe, Dr Ben Phipps & Meredith MacAulayIn-person
Thu 3/41 - 2pmProf. Sami Kara & A/Prof. Lauren KarkIn-person or online
Thu 10/44 - 5pmStories at Work - A conversation with Inge BrokerhofVisiting speaker: Inge BrokerhofIn-person or online
Wed 23/411am - 12pmDeveloping your myEducation Portfolio for academic recognition and promotionDr Cherie LucasIn-person or online
Tue 5/52 - 3pm

Two SoTL presentations

White AI Hacking of Assessments 

Examining technology-based collaborative learning in Science education

Dr Swapneel Thite, Giordana Orsini Florez & Morgan Harris

Dr Jasper Hsieh

In-person or online
Tue 6/510am - 11amInclusive Reboot: Redesigning Courses with UDL 3.0Karen Kriss & Dr Aves Parsemain Online

Registration forms and more information for the following events are hyperlinked below. Please keep checking this page for event and registration updates.
To view upcoming events happening in the Teaching Commons, click here.

Thu 29/51:30 - 2:30pmReimagining Assessment Design in the Era of AI: Challenges, Opportunities, Strategies & ResourcesDr Cherie LucasIn-person or online
Thu 3/73 - 7pmNSW Higher Education SummitTBAIn-person or online

Registration forms and more information for the following events are hyperlinked below. Please keep checking this page for event and registration updates.
To view upcoming events happening in the Teaching Commons, click here.


UNSW Education Event Series & Resources

The SEA Lecture Series highlights the thought-leadership and innovative educational strategies and practices of our outstanding educators and their esteemed networks. Through the lectures, our UNSW Scientia Education Academy promotes educational excellence, and facilitates high-level discussions about the future of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education.

Learn more 

An annual festival encompassing the former Learning & Teaching Forum and events from UNSW faculties that inspire, elevate and celebrate education in our UNSW community. The festival fosters cross-faculty connections and collaborations, featuring presentations from various parts of our institution.

Learn more

Past Events

Tues 18 October 2022

Explore the concerns of grading systems and the strategy for eliminating grades within a competency-based assessment system with Prof. Karen Hauer from the University of California, San Francisco.

24 September 2019
12:00 - 2:00pm

This interactive showcase is for anyone interested in the technologies and practices of inclusive education design to make teaching and learning more accessible to all students.