This interactive academic development workshop is designed to support UNSW academic staff in leveraging their myEducation Portfolio for career advancement, teaching awards, and professional recognition. Originating from the 2017–2018 UNSW Scientia Education Investment Fund project, myEducation Portfolio provides a structured approach to documenting teaching excellence, leadership, and scholarly contributions.
The session will guide participants through the essential components of an impactful portfolio, beginning with articulating a strong teaching philosophy and aligning evidence with UNSW’s myEducation Portfolio. Participants will explore the four key domains of the Portfolio of academic contribution: Design and development of learning activities and assessment; Teaching and supporting student learning; Disciplinary Expertise and professional development and Educational leadership. Practical strategies for collecting and showcasing evidence from students, peers, and personal professional journeys will be discussed, including student feedback, peer review, leadership roles, and SoTL outputs.
The workshop will provide hands-on guidance on adding and editing evidence within myEducation Portfolio, utilising tagging features for streamlined documentation. Attendees will also gain insights into privacy settings, exemplars of successful portfolios, and strategies for tailoring their portfolios to different career stages and teaching awards or promotion pathways.
By the end of this session, participants will be equipped with practical tools to enhance their portfolios, strengthen their cases for awards or promotion, and effectively demonstrate their impact on teaching and learning at UNSW.
Whether you are new to myEducation Portfolio or looking to refine your existing profile, this workshop offers a valuable opportunity to develop and finetune your myEducation Portfolio for future career progression opportunities.
Presenter details
Dr Cherie Lucas
Nexus Fellow and SFHEA, UNSW Medicine & Health
Dr Cherie Lucas, PhD, BPharm, Grad Cert Edu Stud (Higher Educ), FPS, SFHEA is the Nexus Fellow at the School of Population Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of NSW, Sydney, Australia. Cherie has published over 91 publications in the area of teaching and learning with over 55 as first author. She has been awarded numerous Vice-Chancellor teaching, learning, innovation awards and recognition including being the recipient of an Australian Award for University Teaching (AAUT) Citation for the individual category in “motivating and inspiring student learning”. Cherie is also the recipient of two research awards at international conferences related to her SoTL research.
Her educational research interests include curriculum design and instruction, developing reflective practice tools, including those used with ePortfolios; assessment strategies to enhance student engagement, experience and learning; and building artificial intelligence (AI) capability for educators and students. She has led teams in interprofessional education, ePortfolios, AI feedback tools and strategies to enhance reflective practice.