AI in Education Festival

Enjoy a day to recharge and be inspired about AI use in education

Participants can expect to get some clarity on:

  • What’s happening with UNSW and AI
  • AI and Turnitin strategies for dealing with integrity
  • AI Projects and Outcomes at UNSW
  • A student view of AI use in Education and more

Hear from Prof. Alex Steel and Prof. Simon McIntyre, student panels and explore roundtables on ways to incorporate AI in your classroom and beyond. The day will ensure you are up to date on UNSW's strategies and use cases. There will be practical round tables to explore AI use in assessments and what to do with those Turnitin AI scores. Our Nexus Team will share their projects and ways for people to be involved as well. The day will conclude with an in conversation session between EF AI CoP leads Prof. Carol Oliver and A/Prof. Lynn Gribble with Prof. Steel and Prof. McIntyre.

Program schedule

Last updated: 2 September 2024

9:00 - 9:45am

What’s happening with UNSW and AI

Prof. Alex Steel


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10:00 - 11:45am

Two opportunities to join roundtables for discussions on AI and teaching

  • Detect and deter is dead. Hello, opportunity
  • What do we know? Uncovering what we don’t know to reimagine education for the future
  • What keeps you awake at night? Addressing the anxiety surrounding AI in education 
  • Beyond ‘Cheating’: Student perspectives on the use of generative AI 
In person only
11:45 - 12:30pmNetworking lunch
12:30 - 1:30pm

AI projects and outcomes at UNSW

Prof. Simon McIntyre


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1:30 - 2:30pm

Nexus and AI 

  • Introduction - by A/Prof. Anne Galea 
  • What is missed, what is gained? Creating space in a curriculum for AI without missing essential skills - by Dr Sharon Aris   
  • Development of a Course Convenor AI Toolkit (Med/Health) to support course convenors in considerations for assessment redesign in the era of AI - by Dr Cherie Lucas  
  • AI in Curriculum - AI-Ready Graduates - by Minnie Singh-Murphy
  • White Hat AI hacking of assessments to identify and address assessment vulnerabilities to AI misuse. - by Dr Swapneel Thite & Giordana Orsini Florez
  • Using AI to write rubrics.  Reframing rubrics to reduce AI vulnerabilities - by Dr Helena Pacitti
  • Using AI Ethically and Responsibly - applying the RECESS model - by Dr Andrew Dymock
  • Program mapping for AI opportunities and vulnerabilities, process vs artefact and AI in Rubrics - by Dr Mark Ian Jones
  • Towards personalisation, tutoring and raising the bar with AI-augmented teaching and learning - by Dr Fiacre Rougieux    
  • Concluding remarks - by A/Prof. Anne Galea  


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2:30 - 3:00pmStudents and AI: A panel discussion


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3:00 - 4:00pm

In conversation with Prof. Alex Steel and Prof. Simon McIntyre

Hosted by A/Prof. Lynn Gribble & Prof. Carol Oliver


(Join online)

Please note hybrid sessions with * are recorded. 

Roundtable topics

Summary of talk

This year, my 230 students across two T2 courses used AI in assessments as they choose - if they reference it and don't copy and paste. The outcome challenges our perception that AI is a risk to assessment. 

Presenter: Carol Oliver is an EF-track professor of science communication and astrobiology at the School of Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences and co-lead of the AI EF Community of Practice.

Summary of talk

From AI curious to the AI enthusiasts emerging technology can mean a steep learning curve. This table will explore and discuss, how do we know what we know and what do we need to learn about AI. 

Presenter: Lynn Gribble is an Associate Professor in the School of Management & Governance, Faculty representative on the AI and co-lead of the AI EF Community of Practice. She has widely published and presented about AI in education including academic integrity.

Summary of talk

The rise of AI in education is accompanied by a host of uncertainties. This roundtable will delve into the anxieties surrounding AI's role in education, from ethical concerns about datasets and environmental impact to the uncertainties surrounding AI's effect on student learning and academic integrity. Join us to discuss the fears and unknowns that keep educators up at night, and how we can confront these challenges head-on. 

Presenter: Nicola Kozlina is a Lecturer in the School of Private and Commercial Law, project lead on a Learning & Teaching Grant on AI in the Faculty of Law & Justice and a member of the AI EF Community of Practice. She presented and chaired a plenary panel on AI in education at the Legal Education Research Conference and has also presented on AI at Faculty Learning & Teaching Seminars.

Summary of talk

Does AI belong in a university? Is it just something students are using to cheat, or are there more nuanced ways the technology is currently being used? In this roundtable discussion facilitated by Dr James Bedford you'll hear from UNSW students who are using generative AI (GenAI) to improve their educational experience and enhance their studies. Discover what students have to say about GenAI and learn what practical skills they are developing as they integrate this technology into their day-to-day lives. 

Presenter: Dr James Bedford is a writer and educator at UNSW. He has published works of both fiction and non-fiction and is currently exploring the implications of generative AI in education. He completed his PhD in Creative Writing at UNSW in 2019 and lives on the Central Coast of NSW.

About the presenters

Professor Alex Steel headshot

Director AI Strategy Education and a Professor in the Faculty of Law & Justice at UNSW Sydney

Alex is a Fellow of the UNSW Scientia Education Academy and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. His leadership roles at UNSW Sydney included Director Teaching Strategy and Interim Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education & Student Experience, among others. As Director AI Strategy Education, Alex is responsible for coordinating UNSW's response to generative AI.

Simon McIntyre

Director, Educational Innovation, PVCE, and Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA) 

Simon is a multi-award winning educator, passionate about improving the effectiveness, quality and relevance of the student learning experience, and about pedagogically driven use of technology to innovate learning and teaching practices. He takes a design led and data informed approach to the personalisation of learning, appropriate integration and evaluation of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, and immersive experiences into a balanced curriculum. Simon is committed to continuing to innovate, uncomplicate, improve, and reimagine the UNSW student experience.

Associate Professor Lynn Gribble photo

Education Focussed academic in the School of Management and Governance as well as a Co-Lead of the AI in education Community of Practice at UNSW Sydney

A digital innovator, Lynn has taught management to large classes of Master of Business Administration and Master of Commerce students for over 15 years and has pioneered the use of voice recordings, audience response platforms and digital tools with learning analytics to personalise every interaction with her students, increasing both their engagement and learning outcomes. Lynn is Senior Fellow of the Advance HE UK (SFHEA) and a Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technology (CMALT) and ASCILITE Community Fellow for 2023.

Carol Oliver headshot

UNSW Scientia Education Fellow, Co-Lead of the AI EF Community of Practice, and Education Focussed academic in the School of Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences at UNSW Sydney

Carol specialises in technology-enhanced online education aimed at providing authentic learning and assessment for online students in her science communication and astrobiology second and third level/postgraduate courses. She engages extensively in international education collaborations and draws in those collaborations to working with students and colleagues at UNSW to meet the challenges of changing needs in online education.  

Carol has co-led the UNSW Online Learning and Innovation Community of Practice almost since its inception, increasing membership from around 12 in 2019 to 200 across UNSW. She is a Senior Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy and an elected member of the International Academy of Astronautics. In 2023, Carol won an Award for Australian University Teaching (AAUT) citation for her innovation in using Virtual Field Trips for authentic assessment.