Check out the Festival events that happened during the week!
To access available recordings, click on each event title below.
For the week’s wrap-up and to see the Festival in pictures, scroll down below the event tiles.
Inspire Learning. Elevate Teaching. Celebrate Education.
To access available recordings, click on each event title below.
For the week’s wrap-up and to see the Festival in pictures, scroll down below the event tiles.
Click on each of the below titles for more information about each event.
Hosted by: UNSW Canberra
Day: Monday 20 November, 10am - 1.30pm
Format: Hybrid - MS Teams & Building 32, Lecture Theatre 07, UNSW Canberra
Hosted by: UNSW Law & Justice
Day: Monday 20 November, 3.30 - 5pm
Format: On campus - Law Building, Law Theatre G04
Event recording not available
Hosted by: UNSW Engineering
Day: Tuesday 21 November, 8:30am - 3:30pm
Format: On campus - UNSW Roundhouse
How can our 'campus' maximise learning? What is the ‘campus’ experience and how do we create learning benefits outside traditional campus boundaries?
This theme explored how our stakeholders engage with the UNSW campus and how we can maximise learning outcomes. Presenters discussed the concept of what a ‘campus’ is and how we can create benefits outside of traditional campus boundaries. Presenters contemplated how the campus experience extends to various locations, the utilisation of physical spaces for flexible learning, and the symbiotic relationship between the virtual and physical. Together, we aim to create a holistic campus environment that fosters community, inspires academic excellence, and adapts to the evolving needs of our stakeholders.
Hosted by: UNSW Medicine & Health
Day: Tuesday 21 November, 12 - 5.30pm
Format: Hybrid- MS Teams & AGSM, Pioneer International Theatre
Hosted by: UNSW Science
Day: Wednesday 22 November, 9am - 12:30pm
Format: Hybrid- MS Teams & Webster Theatre A
Hosted by: UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture
Day: Wednesday 22 November, 11am - 4pm
Format: Hybrid - MS Teams & Anita B. Lawrence Centre, H13 G001 Lawrence Theatre
Hosted by: UNSW Business
Day: Thursday 23 November, 9am - 1pm
Format: On campus - Colombo Theatre B & MS Teams for some
At this year's Education Festival, we explored how the UNSW Business School's mission is achieved, with a particular focus on the engagement of industry in education. Themes included the role of industry in helping us design and develop our curriculum and graduate attributes, the involvement of industry in teaching and delivery, how industry participation assists authentic assessment and student engagement, and the way graduates in industry can be brought back into the classroom and into co-curricular activities.
Hosted by: UNSW Scientia Education Academy
Day: Thursday 23 November, 2 - 5.30pm
Format: Hybrid - MS Teams & UNSW Teaching Commons
Hosted by: UNSW Student Wellbeing CoP
Day: Friday 24 November, 9.30am - 2pm (plus Yoga 8.30 - 9.10am)
Format: Hybrid - MS Teams & UNSW Roundhouse (Rooms 2 - 4, Upstairs)
Event recording not available
Hosted by: PVCESE Portfolio
Day: Friday 24 November, 12.30 - 2pm
Format: On campus - UNSW Roundhouse (Main Room, Ground Floor)
From informal digital posters to snippets from Immersive & VR outputs, the gallery session encouraged interaction and exchange of ideas. While the theme was open, the overarching focus was on the future. How do we keep enhancing the educational experience at UNSW?
Student Support Services EXPO
Teams available include:
PVCESE teams available include:
Hosted by: PVCESE Portfolio
Day: Friday 24 November, 2 - 5pm
Format: Hybrid - Zoom & UNSW Roundhouse (Main Room, Ground Floor)
In this year's enhanced session, we celebrated UNSW winners of education awards and learned which of their achievements led to the accolades.
Hosted by: The Teaching Commons
Days: Open every day Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm
Format: On campus - Teaching Commons
Attendees were able to pop by the Teaching Commons during the festival week for a mini-magnum, cuppa and a break between the events and festivities!
Festival Opening livestream viewing
Monday 10.00am - 1.30pm
Livestream from Canberra of their event: Transforming pedagogies and technologies in postgraduate online education
Returning for its third run, UNSW's Education Festival 2023 brought our community together again to celebrate our education and educators across the institution.
Following the opening session taking place at UNSW Canberra and livestreamed, most of the events and activities were held on the Kensington Campus, with most of them offering hybrid options for remote access and being recorded (find available recordings inside each theme accordion above or visit the YouTube playlist).
UNSW Education Festival 2023 showcased 11 events stretching across all faculties and included cross-faculty hosts taking part this year, covering a variety of topics.
The events boasted insightful talks, impressive keynotes, student panel discussions and workshops, and provided colleagues ample opportunities to share and discuss key learnings from 2023.
Talking statistics, the Festival saw a total of 200 presenters, delivering 128 presentations across the week. Close to 1000 participants attended the events, which demonstrates the growing excitement and appetite for education events.
According to feedback, UNSW’s Education Festival continues to live up to its name as the biggest education event of the year for our community.
Professional photos by Anh Nguyen and Roxie Vuong
Contact if you have any questions regarding the event.
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