An ambitious future for UNSW Online

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UNSW Online has ambitions to drive online learning at UNSW, creating greater access to world-class education, and opening new markets for the University.  

Following a successful start-up period that has seen 13 new fully online programs launched and more than 1000 new students enrol at UNSW, UNSW Online is now looking to consolidate the initial outcomes to support the realisation of the University's 2025 Strategy.  

The overall direction of UNSW Online remains unchanged, to deliver world-class education, anywhere, anytime. The focus is now sharpened to concentrate on the following aspirations:  

  1. UNSW will be a sector leader in the fully online student experience  
    UNSW Online aims to support an overall increase in student satisfaction as measured by the Student Experience Survey (SES). To positively influence these results, UNSW Online aims to reach 90% satisfaction with course and teaching quality in myExperience scores.  

    UNSW Online is working closely with teachers and educational developers to ensure an exceptional level of support provided to students, with quick response times and easy to use technology. A comprehensive teacher onboarding and support program has been introduced and will continue to be refined in response to teacher feedback.   
  2. UNSW will be the largest Go8 provider of fully online postgraduate programs. 
    Since the introduction of UNSW Online programs in 2019, UNSW has become the fastest growing Go8 provider of online postgraduate programs.  

    UNSW Online intends to continue this growth trend and cement our status as the leading Go8 provider of online postgraduate programs through further expansion of the portfolio.  
  3. UNSW Online will enrol 5,000 New to Academic Career Students by 2025  
    UNSW Online is working with faculties to deliver a range of subjects which focus on in-demand skills by employers, such as the recently launched Master of Cyber Security. The new enrolments will not dilute current cohorts, instead, they will attract postgraduate students who require the flexibility of fully online study, including international students. 
  4. UNSW Online will grow fully online non-award offerings  
    UNSW Online will offer further flexibility to students by expanding the portfolio of fully online non-award and short courses leading to a postgraduate award.      

Director of UNSW Online, Liz Smith mentioned in a previous Inside UNSW Online article that the UNSW 2025 strategy highlights the need to build upon the University’s portfolio of fully online postgraduate programs.

Ms Smith said: “The 2025 Strategy calls for the increased integration of technology into our teaching and an increase in the number of students studying fully online.” 

“By aligning with 2025 and the UNSW Digital Education Vision, which aims to expand on existing strategies and provide a comprehensive approach to integrating technology into all aspects of the student learning experience, UNSW Online will create greater flexibility for prospective students and open the University to new markets.” 

If you are interested in developing a fully online postgraduate program for your school or faculty, please get in touch at



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