Improving Assessment with Transparency in Teaching & Learning (TiLT)

Transparency in Learning in Teaching (TiLT) prioritises student learning by ensuring that assessments are accessible to all students, regardless of their educational background. TiLT helps students to understand what they need to do, why they are doing it, what they will gain from it, and how to succeed in an assessment task. It has been shown to benefit all students, but particularly disadvantaged and underrepresented students. In this workshop, participants will apply TiLT principles to one assessment task, without redesigning the task itself.

Staff are asked to bring with them resources relevant to the session, such as their course outline, a learning activity and the highest weighted assessment they are currently using in the course or an assessment they have identified an issue with.  

Check out all upcoming Lighting Workshops for further teaching and learning professional development opportunities.



Alex Bannigan headshot
Dr Alex Bannigan

Head, Academic and Education Focussed Development, Pro Vice-Chancellor Education Portfolio

Dr Alex Bannigan is a biologist by training, with a background in cell biology research, microscopy, teaching and course design. She left academia in 2014 when she came to UNSW to establish the Women in Engineering Program. Since 2017, Alex has been dedicated to supporting UNSW academics to be the best teachers they can be with initiatives including the Course Design Institute and is now Head, Academic and Education Focussed Development in the PVCESE Portfolio.