Merging online and in-person teaching: Designing interactive learning activities for the hybrid classroom

A Connections workshop

Courses taught in hybrid mode cater to both online and in-person students. Teaching two different cohorts can be challenging and, due to technological constraints, a careful re-design and adjustment of learning activities are often required. 

Dr May Lim (School of Chemical Engineering) and Denise Hantel (School of Humanities & Languages) participated in this year’s Hybrid Learning Mode Pilot conducted by the PVCESE. They designed and tested a range of learning activities for courses in their respective disciplines to gain a better understanding of which activities are most suitable for the hybrid classroom.  

In this Connection Series Workshop, participants will have the opportunity to experience some of these learning activities from the student perspective and gain some insight into the benefits and challenges of the hybrid learning mode. 


About the Speakers

Photo of Dr May Lim

Dr May Lim is a Scientia Education Academy Fellow and a Senior Lecturer at UNSW Chemical Engineering. She works closely with her Faculty, PVCE, student societies, industry and professional bodies to improve the Scientia education experience, and contributed to the development of learning activities, education quality framework, and tools and guidelines for capturing, assessing and evaluating student professional development. 


Photo of Denise Hantel

Denise Hantel is an Education-Focused Associate Lecturer in German Studies in the School of Humanities and Languages. She is responsible for the coordination and curriculum design of the German language courses. Her interests focus on learner motivation, feedback and assessment as well as educational design and development. Denise is particularly passionate about improving students’ educational experiences and the building of learning communities in her courses. 


This event is a part of the Connections series, consisting of seminars and workshops that provide you with the opportunity to learn from your colleagues to inform your own teaching practice. This year, Connections will align with the Educational & Student Experience themes of “Listening, Challenging, Supporting”.