Embedding critical reading instruction into your course

This Lightning Workshop will model effective strategies to embed critical and purposeful reading instruction into your course without straying from your core content. Drawing on genre analysis and academic literacies pedagogies, the aim of this session is to help you demystify academic reading for your students, empowering them to become efficient and purposeful readers who can confidently critique academic texts.

Staff are asked to bring a core text (preferably a journal article) from their course reading list.

Check out all upcoming Lighting Workshops for further teaching and learning professional development opportunities.



Dr Owen Wilson headshot
Dr Owen Wilson (FHEA)

Student Learning Team member, Pro Vice-Chancellor Education Portfolio

Owen is a PVCE Student Learning Team member and manages the Academic Language and Literacies Embedding Project (ALL-E). His professional interests are researching, teaching and promoting academic literacies support in all its different forms, but he is especially focused on supporting students through discipline-specific faculty collaborations. Prior to working at UNSW, he worked in academic success and student support at the University of Sydney and taught English in Korea, Japan and Saudi Arabia. He has a cat called Maria, a cavoodle called Max, and an 11-week old son called Robin.