Deploying Interactive Oral Assessments for authenticity, inclusivity & belonging

The COVID-19 pandemic and the release of various A.I. tools such as ChatGPT have forced higher education to re-think what and how we teach and assess. Many educators have reverted to various forms of invigilated assessments to maintain academic integrity. Oral assessments, and in particular Interactive Orals Assessments (IoAs) have emerged as a form of assessment that may provide educators with higher levels of confidence about the integrity of students’ work. 

Not withstanding some of the obvious challenges of implementing IoAs, especially for large classes, it provides opportunities for embedding industry expectations within assessments, addresses the increasingly diverse learner needs and promotes a sense of belonging for the students, and in many cases the educators too.

This presentation will share some of the experiences of designing and deploying IoAs, as well as some preliminary findings from a research study exploring students’ and employers’ perceptions of it.

These ideas will be useful for educators looking to use oral assessments in their courses. Attendees will gain insights into:

  • How to design interactive oral assessments within existing courses
  • Support mechanism needed for effective deployment of IoAs
  • Strategies to train markers
  • Students’ and employers’ perceptions about IoAs


About the presenter

Dr Pranit Anand headshot

Dr Pranit Anand is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Information Systems and Technology Management in the Business School. He currently teaches various networking and cybersecurity courses. He is passionate about students’ engagement and success and recognises the important role assessments play towards this. He attempts to design assessments that are meaningful, transferrable, and flexible.