Finding a teaching space just got much easier!


Published 21 February 2023

Teacher teaching to classrom

UNSW’s Learning Environment website is the ‘one stop shop’ for information on teaching spaces, digital tools and resources to gain ideas, and provide support across the UNSW teaching community for course classes being taught in CATS (Centrally Allocated Teaching Spaces). 

To kick off Term 1, 2023, and support the return of teaching on campus, the Learning Environments website has two exciting new features now available:   

  1. How to Find a Teaching Space search engine enables UNSW staff and students to easily search and explore the room features of over 200 CATS located on UNSW’s Kensington campus, that support integrated Learning & Teaching styles from traditional to hybrid. 

Find a teaching space search engine interface
  1. Teaching Spaces Glossary has been designed to help navigate and understand the different names of our CATS and explains the key features which distinguish them from each other. 

Teaching Spaces Glossary interface

These new features are a game changer for room searches and a welcome addition to the growing Digital Tools and Resources library, which include: 


New additions to the Hybrid Teaching Spaces (CATS) available for Term 1, 2023 now include: 


Visit the UNSW’s Learning Environments website to explore the How to Find a Teaching Space search engine and Teaching Spaces Glossary; Digital Tools and Resources library, and much more.


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