About this event
World Citizenship capabilities are being increasingly promoted at universities with terms like sustainability, global citizenship, ethics, sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals being highlighted in this space – but what are some of the practical ways that we are educating students (and ourselves) to create better world citizens at the university?
Join us at a unique networking event where you’ll hear from two special guests on some of the powerful ways they have been working to educate in this space (and what they’ve learned along the way), followed by a timed Discussion Hub Circuit hosted by more special guests from a broad range of activities and initiatives educating for progress in world citizenship, sustainability, social justice, ethics and more.
Dr Jinki Trevillian - ‘Integrating Sustainability into Business Education’
Discover how a desire to create deeper engagement with Sustainable Development Goals led to a resource to guide curriculum integration at UNSW Business Education.
“Following earlier work on the introduction of the UN SDGs to first year students and identifying the need for a deeper engagement with the SDG goals, I researched best practise with my colleague Lousie Fitzgerald and developed a Sustainability Curriculum framework to guide integration in Business Education.”
Dr Misol Kim
Lunch will be served before the start of the presentation.
About the Presenters:
Dr Jinki Trevillian
Dr Jinki Trevillian is a Senior Lecturer at UNSW Business School. Since joining the Education Focussed UNSW community in 2019 Jinki has been working in the development and delivery of courses and online modules with a strong dedication to Sustainability and increased awareness of the UN SDGs, and has been engaged in sustainability education in various roles and projects, as a champion of Responsible Business Practise and UN SDGs.
Dr Misol Kim
About the World Citizen CoP
The World Citizen Community of Practice (CoP) aims to promote best practice in developing global citizenship capacities in the UNSW community by building cultural awareness, respect for diversity, and social and global responsibility. This will enable students, staff and partners to apply disciplinary skills in collaboration across local, national and international contexts.
About the CoP team
Dr ZORAN VULOVIC (co-lead) is a Senior lecturer from the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering where he started in 1997. He has been an Education Focused academic staff since 2018. Throughout his career he always felt responsibility towards his students, piers, institutions, as well as the engineering profession. Zoran’s staff profile
“Today the world is interconnected in so many ways and to an extent that we often miss while involved in our own disciplines. If we lose the world citizenship aspect of our professional (and personal) character, our education will be incomplete, and our students will not be fully prepared for work and life”.
JUNE KIM (co-lead) is an educator, practitioner, creative technologist and researcher with 10+ years of experience creating commercial and personal works with different technologies and cutting-edge software in the creative field. June lecturer in the School of Art & Design. Her research interest lies in the Virtual Reality as an artistic medium to practice and research in the notion of relationality between ‘I’ and ‘surroundings’. June’s staff profile
ANGELA SIDOTI is the Project Officer for the CoP and loves welcoming new members and helping to plan opportunities for staff to connect on world citizenship topics. In the past she has taught and contributed to the creation of materials in subjects in critical thinking, social change / social impact, and ethics where she contributed to SDGs and sustainability topics.
“I’m passionate about growing a sense of world citizenship through education as well as storytelling, community-building and activism. Working with a Community of Practice with a strong focus on challenging us to think differently and to develop and act in our own small worlds for a bigger one, is a joy!
This event is a part of the EF Lunch & Learn series, which will each be hosted each time by a different EF Community of Practice (CoP). It is an opportunity to showcase the wonderful work of the CoPs across the wider University community.