Writing engaging assessment guidelines using Transparency in Learning in Teaching methods

By ensuring that assessments are accessible to all students, regardless of their educational background Transparency in Learning in Teaching (TiLT) methods can help students to understand what they need to do, why they are doing it, what they will gain from it, and how to succeed in an assessment task. It has been shown to benefit all students, but particularly disadvantaged and underrepresented students. In this workshop, participants will apply TiLT principles to one assessment task, without redesigning the task itself. 

Staff are asked to bring with them one assessment to apply the principles to.  

About the presenter

Dr Benjamin Phipps

Dr Benjamin Phipps PVCE Nexus Fellow is a passionate educator, he has taught music and then in the academic development programs at UNSW. Since 2019, his educational and academic development work has focused on assessment, feedback, and student engagement, as well as university-wide educational transformation projects. He collaborates with staff to enhance their tertiary teaching practice and support student learning as well as mentoring scholarship of teaching and learning projects (SoTL). In addition, he provides expertise and pedagogical guidance to both Student Experience and Nexus projects. His current SoTL work includes a project exploring the interplay between AI, teaching and learning, staff capability and professional development opportunities and a project investigating awareness and promotion of wellbeing in teaching and learning communities.