The exciting week of the UNSW’s inaugural Education Festival was kicked off in style when over 100 Education Focussed (EF) academics across multiple disciplines gathered in person and via livestream for an immersive and engaging Education Focussed
Can we expect all academics to be good to outstanding in all aspects of academic work, namely education, research and the all-encompassing engagement and service areas?
The three key elements of Communities of Practice will provide value for time, save reinventing the wheel and create the context for sharing your education focused leadership journey with likeminded colleagues.
At a recent summit, senior academic leaders across the Australian tertiary education sector shared their thoughts about the biggest challenges facing education focussed (EF) academics toda
Associate Professor Adrienne Torda, Senior Lecturer Dr David Kellerman, and Senior Lecturer Dr Lynn Gribble are all Education Focussed academics who have each been awarded a Citation for outstanding achievements in university teaching at the 2020
As higher education looks for fresh ideas to navigate the COVID-19 crisis, Education Focussed academics spoke to six UNSW students about their experiences with online learning and how they're adjusting to the ‘new normal’ of learning.
Amid the rush to move to online teaching, prompted by the pandemic, you may be wondering how to run online exams effectively. Education Focussed (EF) academics Dr Nirmani Wijenayake tells us how.
Education Focussed academics Carol Oliver and Angela Maharaj (Faculty of Science) and co-leads of the EF Online Learning and Innovation Community of Practice, share their expertise and perspective on the future of online learning post-pandemi
Education Focussed (EF) academic Dr Peter Neal describes building space into a course to allow students to receive timely feedback that they can integrate into their practice.
To examine the gendered impact of the pandemic on frontline healthcare workers, Education Focussed academic - A/Prof Adrienne Torda talks to Prof William Ledger, in the first episode of a weekly podcast with EDI.
UNSW Director of the Education Focussed Career Development program and Scientia Education Academy Fellow, Associate Professor Louise Lutze-Mann discusses innovation in teaching as UNSW Sydney academics pivot to teaching online.
In a special Higher Education Remote Learning Series by Microsoft, Education Focussed academic, Dr David Kellermann discusses how a rich and collaborative learning community can be nurtured on and off campus.
Professor of computer science and award-winning educator, Richard Buckland, shares his tips for helping less tech-savvy relatives adapt to socialising online – with as little tension as possible.
The National University of Singapore (NUS) has introduced an education focussed pathway to recognise and develop its most talented educators and, in February, Associate Professor Louise Lutze-Mann visited NUS to discuss the Education Foc