Recent publications:
This page includes only peer-reviewed books, book chapters, and journal articles published from 2023 to the present.
Publication details | SDG alignment |
Desselle SP; Carter S; Lucas C, 2025, 'A call for further study and use of transformational leadership in pharmacy education and practice: Hope and reinvigoration', Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 21, pp. 67 - 70, | |
Hari Rajan M; Herbert C; Polly P, 2025, 'A synthetic review of learning theories, elements and virtual environment simulation types to improve learning within higher education', Thinking Skills and Creativity, 56, |
Publication details | SDG alignment |
Barker, S. and Gribble, L.C. (2024), 'Exploring student response systems for large group teaching: a tale of engagement at scale', Journal of Work-Applied Management, Vol. 16 No. 2, pp. 316-328. | |
Blaikie F; Maras K, 2024, 'Epistemologies and Aesthetics of Curriculum, Pedagogical Praxis and Assessment in the Visual Arts: A Comparative Analysis of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and the New South Wales Stage 6 Visual Arts Syllabus', International Journal of Art and Design Education, 43, pp. 99 - 113, | |
Bone, E. K., Huber, E., Gribble, L., Lys, I., Dickson-Deane, C., Campbell, C., … Brown, C. (2024). A community-based practice for the co-development of women academic leaders. International Journal for Academic Development, 29(2), 238–254. | |
Brown, C., Huber, E., Bone, E. et al. Academic Women Co-designing Education Futures in a Postdigital World. Postdigit Sci Educ 6, 300–320 (2024). | |
Cain, M., Campbell, C., & Fanshawe, M. (2024). What’s an innovation? From Zoom to Flipgrid: Opportunities for disruptive innovation in COVID-19 times. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice.30(5), 1-17 | |
Cumming TM, Jolly JL and Saint-James A (2024) Australia at an educational crossroads: special schools and inclusive education. Front. Educ. 9:1422089. | |
Cumming, T.M., Gilanyi, L. & Han, C. Hyflex delivery mode in a postgraduate course: instructor and student perspectives. Discov Educ 3, 24 (2024). | |
Gribble LC; Wardrop JE, 2024, 'Empowering Students From Assumptions to Knowledge', in Academic Integrity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, IGI Global, pp. 263 - 280, | |
Han, C., Cumming, T.M. Teachers’ Beliefs About the Provision of Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review. Rev J Autism Dev Disord 11, 545–563 (2024). | |
Li D; Zou T; Anand P; Krautloher A, 2024, 'Internationalisation of teaching, learning, and the curriculum in context: Emerging perspectives and new possibilities', Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 21, | |
Maras, K., Cumming, T. M., & Lee, H. M. (2024). Supporting early-career teachers with external mentoring: a scoping review. Teachers and Teaching, 1–21. | |
Marques, E., Carim Jr, G., Campbell, C., Lohmann, G. (2024). Observational learning in ab initio pilot training: The challenges and opportunities of backseating flight observations. Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors 13(2), 137-147. | |
Mills, Emma and Moline, Katherine (2024), ‘Complicating the connections between curriculum, sustainable development and socially engaged design’, Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, Special Issue: ‘Thriving Futures: Papers from The Australian Council of University Art & Design Schools’, 23:2, pp. 115–29, | |
Morecroft, E., & Campbell, C. (2024). The effects of interim feedback on perceptions and outcomes of assessment in a first-year history course. Innovations in Education and Teaching International 1–15. | |
Nikolic, S., Sandison, C., Haque, R., Daniel, S., Grundy, S., Belkina, M., … Neal, P. (2024). ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini, SciSpace and Wolfram versus higher education assessments: an updated multi-institutional study of the academic integrity impacts of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) on assessment, teaching and learning in engineering. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 1–28. | |
Ritchie, J., Phillips, L., Brock, C., Burke, G., Cain, M., Campbell, C., Coleman, K., Davis, S., & Joosa, E. (2024). Teaching and Learning in COVID-19: Pandemic quilt storying. International Review of Qualitative Research. 16(4), 328-347. | |
Roberts P; Scott SV; Cranney J; Cumming TM; Angstmann E; Nehme M; Watson K, 2024, 'Design principles for dual mode readiness in an uncertain future', Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 61, pp. 240 - 250, | |
Turner B, Bullock S, Butler S, Ferrington L, Macartney M, Major L, Monrouxe L, Osuagwu UL, Southwell P, Van Schaik L, Luscombe GM. The Murray–Darling Medical Schools Network Research Collaboration: protocol for a longitudinal, multi-university program of work to explore the effect of rurally based medical school programs in the Murray–Darling region. Rural and Remote Health 2024; 24: 8306. | |
Winchester-Seeto, T. M., Ferns, S. J., Lucas, P., Piggott, L., & Rowe, A. (2024). Intensive work-integrated learning (WIL): The benefits and challenges of condensed and compressed WIL experiences. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 21(2). | |
Woo, H., Cumming, T. M., & O’Neill, S. C. (2024). South Korean University Lecturers’ Opinions About Initial Teacher Education in Gifted Education. Journal of Advanced Academics, 35(3), 482-508. |
Anand, P. (2023). Spinning (Digital) Stories in STEM. In: Coman, A., Vasilache, S. (eds) Social Computing and Social Media. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14026. Springer, Cham. | |
Beckmann EA; Gribble L, 2023, 'Reshaping professional learning towards teaching excellence through the 4Cs Dissemination Strategy', in Doolan M; Ritchie L (ed.), Leading Global Excellence in Pedagogy. Volume 1. Reshaping Teaching: The pandemic and the new now, International Federation of National Teaching Fellows., England, pp. 424 - 456, | |
Cumming TM; Bugge ASJ; Kriss K; McArthur I; Watson K; Jiang Z, 2023, 'Diversified: promoting co-production in course design and delivery', Frontiers in Education, 8, | |
Gribble, L., & Beckmann, E. A. (2023). The 4 Cs Strategy for disseminating innovations in university teaching: Classroom, Corridors, Campus, Community. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 20(1), 13-34. | |
Gribble L; Wardrop J, 2023, 'Exploring Social Learning Theory in Synchronous Design for Engagement in Online Learning', in Synchronous and Asynchronous Approaches to Teaching, Springer International Publishing, pp. 13 - 31, | |
Jackson, D., & Rowe, A. (2023). Impact of work-integrated learning and co-curricular activities on graduate labour force outcomes. Studies in Higher Education, 48(3), 490-506. | |
Jiang, Z., Meltzer, A., & Zhang, X. (2023). Using virtual reality to implement disability studies’ advocacy principles: uncovering the perspectives of people with disability. Disability & Society, 39(6), 1592–1612. | |
Nikolic S; Daniel S; Haque R; Belkina M; Hassan GM; Grundy S; Lyden S; Neal P; Sandison C, 2023, 'ChatGPT versus engineering education assessment: a multidisciplinary and multi-institutional benchmarking and analysis of this generative artificial intelligence tool to investigate assessment integrity', European Journal of Engineering Education, 48, pp. 559 - 614, | |
Oliver C; Teece B, 2023, 'Astrobiology-related Virtual Field Trips in higher education settings: A six-year study', Astrobiology, 23 | |
Oliver C, 2023, 'Making note-taking memorable', in Rowland S; Kuchel L (ed.), Teaching Science Students to Communicate: A Practical Guide, Springer, Online, pp. 521 - 529, | |
Rowe, A. D., Ferns, S. J., Lucas, P., Piggott, L., & Winchester-Seeto, T. (2023). Diversified WIL: The value and importance of short-term and part-time work placements. In K. E. Zegwaard and J. Pretti (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Work-Integrated Learning (3rd ed., pp. 190-206). Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003156420-15 | |
Zegwaard, K. E., Pretti, T. J., Rowe, A. D., & Fern, S. J. (2023). Defining WIL. In K. E. Zegwaard and J. Pretti (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Work-Integrated Learning (3rd ed., pp. 29-48). Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003156420-4 |